Resources - Page 29
ChannelPro 5 Minute Roundup for the Week of January 16th, 2023
Erick and Rich discuss why Pia’s AI-powered help desk automation solution is a sign of the times, why letting techs work remotely has advantages worth considering, and why the only defense against AI-based facial recognition tech might be AI-designed clothing.
January 2023 ChannelPro Digital Edition
Check out the January 2023 issue of ChannelPro featuring our annual tech preview, technician management tips, answers to Azure management issues, and more!
Selling Your Business: A View From Both Sides
Seller Joanna Mirov and buyer Christopher Vollmond-Carstens take you behind the scenes for a rare inside look at how a successful MSP acquisition came together.
ChannelPro Weekly Podcast: Episode #252 – High Jerk Tolerance
If you want to sell your business, be prepared to kiss a lot of…jerks. So says Rory Sanchez, formerly of True Digital Security, in an insightful conversation about his exit process with Matt, Rich, and returning guest host Rayanne Buchianico, of ABC Solutions, PSA Impact, and Sell My MSP.
ChannelPro 5 Minute Roundup for the Week of January 9th, 2023
Erick and Rich discuss analyst data underscoring why channel pros must be customer experience masters, discourage MSPs from giving assessments away for free, and describe a rare instance in which a river of melted butter wasn’t a good thing.
ChannelPro Weekly Podcast: Episode #251 – Raccoon Buffet
Everyone loves a good buffet, don’t you think? Even raccoons, though they probably don’t fill their plates with the same goodies you and I do. Here’s something everyone will find appetizing, though: a new ChannelPro Weekly episode in which Matt, Rich, and returning guest host Chad Kempt, of Fast Computers, discuss hardware news from CES and the secrets of cross-selling.
ChannelPro 5 Minute Roundup for the Week of January 2nd, 2023
Back in action for 2023, Erick and Rich discuss what hardware trends from CES mean for the SMB channel, the importance of diversifying your lead generation activities, and a coder who turned to Office Space for criminal inspiration instead of laughs.
ChannelPro Weekly – 2022 Holiday Special
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And Matt and Rich can think of no finer way to celebrate it than by hosting a great big podcast party featuring 24 of this year’s fabulous guest hosts. Actually, this episode is more like four mini-parties in which subsets of those guests discuss security and cloud computing trends from 2022, managed services trends in 2022, and predictions for 2023. ChannelPro Managing Editor Colleen Frye is back as well to host a meeting of the ChannelPro Book Club.
ChannelPro 5 Minute Roundup for the Week of December 12th, 2022
Erick and Rich make a prediction for cyber insurance in 2023 (and no, it’s not just higher prices), urge you to make hanging out with smart people a new year’s resolution, and invent a new measure for global well-being: the Erick Simpson Santa Scale.
ChannelPro Weekly Podcast: Episode #250 – All Cyber Insurance Will be Taco Bell
Today, cyber insurance is a headache. In the future, some say, it will be smothered in guacamole and coated with zesty salsa. Or something like that. What we know for sure is that Matt, Rich, and returning guest host Joshua Liberman, of Net Sciences Inc., have plenty to say this week about cyber liability, data encryption, and the vendor community’s predictions for 2023.