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September 30, 2024

How upskilling benefits your organization

Enterprise_UpskillingValue_Blog_Thumbnail ImageThe rapid pace of tech presents significant challenges for today’s organizations. One such challenge is to ensure tech teams are well-trained and possess modernized skills to keep up with tech. This will not be easily achieved by finding external talent. Tech employers in all industries are struggling to recruit and retain top talent in today's competitive market. What drives up the demand is that tech is engrained in every business from retail to finance. Even building management and agriculture are hiring tech workers. 

Offering training to employees, such as career-advancing certifications, is a great way to build a solid tech team. CompTIA's Trends in Skill Development study found that 87% of organizations are currently engaged in reskilling. By investing in employee development, both the organization and employee will benefit. Benefits include closing the skills gap, increasing employee morale, creating cross-department efficiencies, saving money, improving cybersecurity, and boosting productivity.  

The benefits of upskilling 

Close the skills gap 

Investing in tech and entering a new digital era typically includes investing in new software, infrastructures, and processes – all requiring learning and sharpening skills. According to The World Economic Forum, within the next five years almost half of all employees will need some amount of reskilling to perform their roles properly. By upskilling and reskilling staff, organizations ensure their company keeps up with tech.   

Increase employee morale 

Offering career development opportunities can lead to higher job satisfaction and loyalty, reducing turnover rates. According to a study by Pluralsight, 94% of employees are more likely to stay if their employer offers upskilling and career advancement opportunities. 

Create cross-department efficiencies 

Training different departments through cross-skilling can create efficiencies and ensure departments aren’t siloed. This is especially essential now that tech is a cornerstone of every department of an organization.  

Help your bottom line 

Upskilling existing employees offers more cost savings than external recruiting. A study from the training and consulting firm ILX group found that upskilling senior IT employees rather than hiring externally could result in 70%-83% cost savings. Upskilling can also be more time effective. Instead of seeking out the perfect candidate, you can just create one.  

Improve cybersecurity 

This is one of the largest needs for every organization today. Especially with high skill gaps and security threats on the rise. A data breach or hacking headline can be detrimental to a company’s outside perception and trust with their consumer. Training your staff with the latest cybersecurity skills and best practices helps safeguard the organization against potential threats. 

Boost productivity 

Well-trained employees have the confidence and competency to perform their tasks more efficiently, which leads to higher overall productivity. Upskilling equips employees with the latest skills and knowledge needed to tackle emerging technologies and industry trends.  

Promote talent mobility 

Employees with advanced certifications can take on new roles and responsibilities, facilitating internal mobility and career progression. For companies, better talent mobility means increased specialization and adaptability, improved collaboration, and a more versatile tech team.  

What’s stopping organizations from upskilling? 

Company leadership wants to invest in their staff, but this requires planning and determining what upskilling solutions they want to implement. It can be overwhelming to make the necessary changes to assemble and launch a tech training program. Shifting processes, implementing large-scale initiatives, and tech integration comes with its own layer of obstacles. 

CompTIA can work with companies to ensure a seamless rollout. CompTIA training, certifications, and solutions support internal talent development by providing employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to advance within their organization. By becoming CompTIA certified, employees will naturally help close the tech skills gap and increase productivity.  

Partner with CompTIA to upskill your workforce 

CompTIA’s solutions and partnership can help companies to reach their tech goals, which support their broader business goals across different industry verticals. By leveraging the many resources and solutions of CompTIA, we can help organizations build strong tech teams and strengthen employee skills with our enterprise solutions.

Learn more about partnering with CompTIA: CompTIA Enterprise Solutions 

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