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July 5, 2024 |

Compliance Traps: Liability Guru Joe Brunsman Offers Tips on How Not To Get Burned in ChannelPro Weekly Podcast Episode #266

Lucky for you, Joe Brunsman’s wife calls him an “Insurance Dork.” From breaking down the million-dollar MSP lawsuit to tips on keeping clients compliant, here’s his key advice on how to best keep your business out of trouble.

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Watch liability guru and best-selling author Joe Brunsman of Brunsman Advisory Group answer three important questions for MSPs on their obligations, possible consequences, and how to keep up with industry regulations:

  1. In the event of a data breach, what are the immediate legal obligations an MSP needs to fulfill to comply with regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, etc.?
  2. What are the potential legal consequences and penalties for failing to comply with breach notification requirements?
  3. How can MSPs best stay updated on changing regulations?

(Run time: 04:28)

Want more? Watch the full Episode #266 on YouTube (run time 34:22) >>

It isn’t often that MSPs WANT to hear from someone described as an “insurance dork” but Joseph Brunsman is the exception. The liability guru and former naval officer joins Tech Editor Matt Whitlock to chat about what MSPs need to do to avoid compliance traps. Brunsman shares what’s happening in the world of MSP regulations right now, shares suggestions on how not to get burned — with the “million-dollar MSP lawsuit” as an example — and he answers three questions in rapid-fire format. And along with all those nuggets of wisdom, he reveals a childhood cringe moment: When his grandmother took him to a matinee show of the first “Austin Powers” movie. In her defense, she had no idea what it was about. “Throw me a frickin’ bone here!”

Listen: The full Episode #266 on Libsyn (run time 34:22) >>

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