†Ipswitch, the leader in easy to deploy, manage and use file transfer and network management software, has added a number of enhancements to†WhatsUp Gold 2017 Plus Service Pack 1, including cloud monitoring and expanded storage monitoring. Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold is the favorite network monitoring tool of tens of thousands of IT professionals worldwide, delivering more flexible monitoring and visibility for the largest networks.
“Cloud monitoring extends WhatsUp Gold’s proven network monitoring functionality to the cloud and beyond the premises to ensure consistent traffic across all systems,” said†Mark Amick, Senior Product Consultant at Ipswitch. “Expanded storage monitoring extends WhatsUp Gold’s proven storage monitoring functionality to give users more flexibility in their choice of storage devices.”
WhatsUp Gold now automatically discovers, maps and monitors cloud resources from cloud providers such as†Amazon Web Services†and†Microsoft Azure.†These resources are monitored for availability through the API resources of each cloud provider.†Using an internal algorithm, WhatsUp Gold can determine the availability of any cloud resources including servers and load balancers. Monitored cloud resources can have availability and performance monitors applied to them such as storage capacity, CPU usage, memory utilization and interface utilization.
WhatsUp Gold can now automatically discover, map and monitor storage devices in the EMC Unity Family as well as the currently supported NetApp devices.
In June, Ipswitch†announced†the 2017 Plus versions of WhatsUp Gold and†MOVEit secure file transfer with new cloud capabilities, new layers of security and additional user driven enhancements.†