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October 17, 2012 |

The ASCII Group Recognizes Datto as the Top Contender for The ASCII Cup 2012

Datto garnered the award based on the quality of its product, commitment to customer service, dedication to the channel, and efforts to help partners increase revenues.

Independent reseller organization The ASCII Group recently announced that BDR solutions provider Datto Inc. was the Top Contender and runner-up for The ASCII Cup 2012, an award bestowed annually to a technology company that has shown outstanding channel goodwill and a commitment to helping ASCII members grow their revenue and more effectively serve their customers.

The winners are voted on by the ASCII membership at regional ASCII Success Summit meetings, and the Cup and Top Contender awards are announced each year at the SMB Nation Fall event. This year, more than 30 channel vendors participated in regional ASCII Success Summit events and Datto garnered the second most votes overall.

ASCII members chose Datto as the Top Contender based on the quality of its product, commitment to customer service, dedication to the channel, and the ways Datto has helped members bring more revenue to their businesses.

“On behalf of the ASCII Group community, congratulations to Datto as one of this year’s top contenders for the ASCII Cup. Each company deserves this type of recognition for building well-received, channel-friendly solutions that resonate with our community,” says Jerry Koutavas, president, The ASCII Group.

Datto has won seven awards this year during the Success Summits: In New Jersey/New York (2011), Orlando, Orange County, Boston, Washington DC, and Chicago. Datto’s SIRIS solution won awards for “Best Cloud Solution” five times, “Best New Product,” and “Best in Show” once.

“We are honored to be chosen as the ASCII Cup Top Contender. The ongoing support from our partners and channel organizations has greatly motivated us to continue with product innovation and delivering top-quality support,” says Bill Pisani, Datto’s vice president of marketing.

Success Summit attendees vote for the vendors in 11 different categories: Best Software Solution, Best Hardware Solution, Best New Product, Best Cloud Solution, Best Revenue Generator, Best Channel Incentive, Best Channel Program, Best Partner Commitment, Best Customer Support, Best Distribution Sales Support and Best in Show. The winners at each show are selected based on the votes of the solution providers, and at the end of the year the winner of the ASCII Cup is chosen based on the results of all the shows.

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