Swiftpage, the provider of†Act!†CRM software, a leading cloud-enabled platform aimed at helping small and mid-sized businesses grow, announced the launch of their Small Business Idea and Invention Scholarship. The new program will award†$2,500†to a student who submits an idea, invention, or app that helps small business owners grow their business and run it more efficiently.
“This generation has an acumen for technology and expectations for faster, tailored business transactions,” said H.†John Oechsle, CEO at Swiftpage. “Because of the way they experience brands on social media, they also have a more innovative, creative understanding of marketing. We’re very excited to see how students apply those insights toward growth strategies for small businesses.”
The Small Business Idea and Invention Scholarship will acknowledge students who value startup technology and are driven to help small businesses succeed. Any currently registered high school, community college or university student is encouraged to apply.
Applicants must submit a video less than two minutes in length, explaining an original idea to grow small businesses. Applications are due by†December 7th, 2018. One winner will be named in†January 2019†and awarded†$2,500†to be put toward any educational purposes.
“With current technologies, it’s more possible than ever before to successfully launch a product,” Oechsle said. “The key is identifying and pursuing the business’s target market. We’re looking for the next idea or tool to take out that guesswork for small businesses and successfully enable them to capitalize on all the information at their fingertips.”
To submit an application and video for the Act! Small Business Idea and Invention Scholarship, visit†act.com/scholarship.