Wasabi, the hot cloud storage company, introduced the Wasabi Ball transfer appliance, a simple, portable plug-and-play data transport solution that allows users to transfer large-scale datasets to and from Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage. Wasabi Ball addresses common challenges associated with large-scale data transfers by eliminating the high network costs and long transfer times often associated with moving large data amounts over the internet.
Powered by NETGEAR’s industry-leading NAS performance capabilities and based on NETGEAR’s†RN628X†Network Attached Storage (NAS) System, Wasabi Ball is a high-capacity mobile appliance that connects directly to a company’s network for uploading data. Once loaded, a single Wasabi Ball can transport up to 87 terabytes of data per appliance. Multiple appliances can be used in parallel to transfer petabytes of data into, or out of, Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage. Wasabi Ball is a highly secure, tamper-resistant appliance that automatically encrypts the stored data using AES 256-bit volume-based encryption, designed to ensure data security and chain-of-custody throughout the transfer process.
“Businesses looking to transfer data to the cloud often have to deal with the challenge of moving their data from their on-premises storage to public cloud object storage. Migrating this data over the internet or other network connections often takes a lot of time depending on the size of the files,” said†Richard Jonker, Vice President of SMB Product Management for NETGEAR. “We’re very pleased to partner with Wasabi, a recognized innovator in cloud storage, to offer businesses the Wasabi Ball transfer appliance as a means of enabling businesses to transfer their data to the cloud in a rapid and secure manner.”
“Although we’re only one year into the market, our compelling price, performance and protection value proposition has led to a huge demand to move large, petabyte-scale datasets to Wasabi,” said†David Friend, CEO of Wasabi. “Wasabi Ball is an ideal solution for companies who want to move large datasets quickly and inexpensively by avoiding the high-cost or low-speed internet connections.”
“We’re in the process of moving to the cloud from our current on-premises data center,” said Lakshmi Venkataswarny, co-founder and CTO of†IQ Media, a TV and media intelligence solution provider. “We want to get out of the storage business and focus on our revolutionary AI based video and audio detection processes and capabilities that directly serve our major clients. We’re moving over 6 petabytes of information through the Wasabi Ball as we migrate to the†cloud and our hardware reaches end of life.”
The Wasabi Ball transfer appliance can been ordered through†sales@wasabi.com. Once ordered, companies can simply go online at†www.wasabi.com, connect Wasabi Ball to their local network and upload their data using a simple interface. Data is automatically encrypted and transferred to the appliance. There is no need to write task-specific code or purchase and hardware to transfer the data. Once the data has been downloaded and returned to Wasabi, the company will upload the data, notify the customer of the successful data transfer and erase the device.
Wasabi Ball provides companies with a convenient solution for migrating their data to Wasabi Cloud Storage for primary storage purposes, or for disaster recovery, backup and data archiving. With Wasabi Hot Cloud storage, companies can store their data at one-fifth the cost and 6x the speed of Amazon S3.