Asigra Inc., a leading cloud backup, recovery and restore software provider since 1986, announced new financial incentives to support partners in growing their share of the cloud backup market. Asigra’s new Partner Acceleration Program enables end-customers to reduce their cost of backup and recovery by 50% of what they are paying currently. The program also allows partners to select a preferred software licensing model to fit their business and encourage customer adoption.
According to a recent survey of more than 1,000 IT buyers across North America by Spiceworks, the computing industry can expect increasing IT budgets and company revenues (along with a rising economic tide) in 2018. Of the companies surveyed, 44% expect budgets to increase an average of 19% on average. Providers of cloud backup services can expect their share of the IT budget to be 15% of the total IT budget allotment for companies in 2018. This is followed by productivity solutions (10%), email hosting (9%), and web hosting (9%).
To support the channel in capturing the rising demand for managed backup, Asigra is packaging one of the highest feature density per dollar cloud backup and recovery solutions on the market with compelling savings. This new program allows SMB, mid-market, or enterprise customers to lower data protection costs by 50% of what they pay now. Under the Asigra Partner Acceleration Program, customers are not limited to a single pricing model but can select from capacity-based subscription, per-machine, per mailbox, per CPU socket, or recovery-based pricing.
“Our managed services customers have been impressed with the vast range of capabilities, innovative advancements, and reliable recovery of data using Asigra Cloud Backup,” said Brian Trudeau, VP of Hosting Services, Centre Technologies. “This new program goes beyond what we have seen in the industry and makes sense for new customers looking to significantly reduce what they’re currently paying for backup services without sacrificing features and flexibility. We expect customers will be very interested in hearing about this new program.”
“With backup and recovery projected to receive a substantial share of the managed services budget in 2018, MSPs need an edge to become an IT services leader,” said Eran Farajun, Executive Vice President, Asigra. “Asigra’s new program reduces the resistance to switching BU/DR platforms to one that has been industry-proven for 30 years and delivers a tremendous pricing advantage over every solution on the market.”