†Infomart Data Centers, a national wholesale data center provider, announced the launch of its RackReady†Wholesale solution, a by-the-rack wholesale colocation product that allows for toll-free cross-connects in†Infomart’s†Building Meet-Me Room (BMMR).† Unlike providers that charge monthly cross-connect fees, Infomart’s RackReady Wholesale provides customers cross-connects to carriers located in its BMMR at no monthly fee.
Available in three power options, encompassing a rack, power, cooling and connectivity, Infomart Data Centers plans to distribute RackReady Wholesale primarily through its Channel Partner Program.† The offering enables cloud and managed service providers, CDNs and enterprises to lease wholesale racks in the Tier III facility with minimal upfront commitment. †Infomart’s channel partners can now leverage RackReady Wholesale colocation to deliver ultra high-speed network services in a cost-effective manner.
“RackReady Wholesale is a win-win for both our customers and ecosystem partners,” explains Sandy Thielamay, VP of Technology at Infomart Data Centers.† “Providing a wholesale by-the-rack product enables more clients to economically access the abundant network at this iconic fiber hub. Distributing through the channel and service providers enriches the client experience and unlocks revenue streams for our trusted partners.”
RackReady Wholesale is immediately available in the Infomart Dallas location, with plans to launch in additional markets within the year. †Infomart Dallas’ data center-neutral BMMR is now home to 13 carriers, including: Hurricane Electric, Level 3 Communications, Unite Private Networks, InnerCity FiberNet, Cogent Communications, WireStar Networks, Fibernet Direct, DE-CIX, Servedby the Net, and more.