DataMotion Inc., an email encryption provider in Morristown, N.J., has created its new InMotion Partner Program. InMotion enables resellers to take advantage of rising demand for secure email and file transfer solutions fueled by recent NSA revelations, high-profile corporate data breaches, and expanding compliance regulations, while earning what the company calls “industry-leading profit margins.”
The InMotion Partner Program includes multiple levels of partner engagement to fit organizations of all sizes. It offers margins that increase with deeper participation and support from partner and technical teams.
The company’s solutions for secure email, file transfer, forms processing, customer contact, and Direct Secure Messaging leverage the cloud-based DataMotion Platform for unified data delivery. The InMotion program does not have sales quotas and offers a number of tiers to suit various partner business models. Margins grow with sales, training, and alignment with DataMotion.
Partner types and tiers:
- Referral Partners work directly with DataMotion’s partner team to close an encryption sale and receive a percentage of the opportunity with no further commitment.
- Reseller Partners include companies that add DataMotion’s encryption/compliance solutions to their portfolios. These partners receive higher margins than Referral Partners.
- Reseller PRO Partners receive training from DataMotion customized to suit their businesses. As a result, Reseller PROs become experts in the marketplace and receive the highest margins possible.
- TOPS Partners include MSPs, integrators, product vendors, and organizations whose business models support offering professional services. TOPS partners develop deep business and technical integration with DataMotion and also receive the highest margins possible.
For more information on InMotion, visit