CompTIA Biz Tech Podcast: Learners are Earners: Secrets of Top Technologists
Technology is embedded in just about everything we do—from starting our cars to mobile orders at our favorite coffee shop to connecting with colleagues and clients. As an aspiring or current technology professional, you can choose from a wide range of opportunities. In the United States alone, there are about 750,000 tech jobs that go unfilled each year, mostly due to a lack of qualified candidates. With the right skills and a learning mindset, one can have a thriving career.
Mentoring 101
Mentoring from experienced managers has long been a way to advance careers and develop leaders, which is why it’s important for all employees to have access.
Diversity Focus Webinar: Is Unconscious Bias Hurting Your Business?
What is unconscious bias, where does it come from, and how does it keep channel pros from realizing their full potential? Find out in this fact-filled insightful conversation with CompTIA’s Yvette Steele.
Exabeam Embraces Commitment to Diversity
A conversation with the security company’s channel team highlights programs, initiatives, and hiring practices that have moved the needle on diversity.
10 Tips to Help Champion Diversity in the Workplace
By overcoming “”groupthink”” and building a diverse workforce, organizations can spur innovation and growth.
Breaking Through Socioeconomic Chains
While hurdles to entering the technology field still exist for those who come from underserved or minority communities, belief in yourself, coupled with hard work, can put you on a path to success.
Sustaining Inclusion
Organizations that openly address diversity and equity, and put ongoing programs and support in place, will better retain diverse talent.
Building a Diverse Workforce
From recruitment to interviewing and hiring, organizations that prioritize diversity need to be intentional in their pursuit and hold themselves accountable.
Embracing Cultural Differences
By creating a sense of belonging and providing opportunity to learn about other cultures, your employees will thrive.
Getting Started with DEI
Your playbook should include assessing the company’s current state of diversity, setting goals for improvement, acquiring leadership buy-in, and building an action plan.