Topic: Uncategorized - Page 4
Best Online Survey Tools | Recycling Old Tech for Cash | Easy Dropbox MIgrations | E-Discovery Consultants
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Jumpcloud Introduces New Device Management Functionality for Android and iOS and New Admin Mobile App
JumpCloud today announced several upcoming releases as part of its Open Directory Platform. JumpCloud’s new mobile functionality includes the JumpCloud Admin app and adds Android device management to JumpCloud’s platform at no extra cost, giving MSPs and IT admins full visibility and control over any type of iOS and Android device within JumpCloud.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Aims to Make Data Lifecycle Management Easier
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) expanded its Alletra portfolio with new file, block, and data protection services designed to help customers reduce costs and complexity through one unified hybrid cloud platform.
Cyber Insurance | Secure Faxes | Spiffs for Sales Team | Password Managers
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ASCII Edge MSP Conference Goes to Atlanta
The two-day, multicity events feature all new speakers and content designed for growing MSPs.
Nominations Are Open for the Fifth Annual CompTIA ChannelPro Cecilia Galvin Scholarship Award
Named in honor of a former ChannelPro executive editor, the award will grant $5,000 to a talented young woman looking to start a career in technology.
Cyber insurance | Tips on using virtual assistants | HEIC TO JPG CONVERTERS | AND MORE
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Selling Your Business: A View From Both Sides
Seller Joanna Mirov and buyer Christopher Vollmond-Carstens take you behind the scenes for a rare inside look at how a successful MSP acquisition came together.
Best Password Managers | Credit Card Processors | Cancellation Policies | File De-Dupers and more
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How to Deliver Customer Experience Excellence
Providing excellent CX takes constant focus, frictionless interactions, and engagement from each employee, but it will return your investment many times over.