Topic: Software - Page 28
Bots Mean Business
From chatbots to robotic process automation assistants, these tools spell business-boosting opportunity for SMBs and the channel pros who serve them.
ChannelPro Weekly Podcast: Episode #173 – The Ghost Kitchen
Matt, Rich, and guest host Peter Melby, of MSP Greystone Technology, may not be ghosts but they have cooked up a great show for you this week.
ChannelPro 5 Minute Roundup for the Week of January 11th, 2021
Erick and Rich mull the meaning of Kaseya’s new Unified RMM framework, encourage channel pros to rethink their marketing plans, and explain why dried yellow mealworms could be your secret to weight loss success.
ChannelPro 5 Minute Roundup for the Week of January 4th, 2021
Erick and Rich greet the new year with a look at SolarWinds MSP’s new name, the new business plan you should be drafting right now, and the amusing fallout from a little too much holiday drinking for a reveler in the U.K.
ChannelPro Weekly Podcast: Episode #171 – Close the Kimono
Sharing we like. Oversharing, not so much. And sometimes the kindest thing you can do for others is close up that kimono of yours. Or so say Matt, Rich, and their guest host, cloud consultant and entrepreneur Jamison West. They also have some things to say about SolarWinds MSP’s soon-to-be new name and the security landscape in 2021, not to mention cloud management, a topic they discuss with RMM pioneer and now cloud identity management CEO Peter Sandiford, of Zerotek.
HarmonyPSA Combines Bulletproof Project/Resource Management Capabilities And Service Desk Within Newest Platform
New Features in V. 4.21 Allows MSPs to Seamlessly Manage Projects, Talent and Other Resources, Providing a Holistic View of Their Business
HarmonyPSA Combines Bulletproof Project/Resource Management Capabilities And Service Desk Within Newest Platform
New Features in V. 4.21 Allows MSPs to Seamlessly Manage Projects, Talent and Other Resources, Providing a Holistic View of Their Business
HarmonyPSA Combines Bulletproof Project/Resource Management Capabilities And Service Desk Within Newest Platform
New Features in V. 4.21 Allows MSPs to Seamlessly Manage Projects, Talent and Other Resources, Providing a Holistic View of Their Business
HarmonyPSA Combines Bulletproof Project/Resource Management Capabilities And Service Desk Within Newest Platform
New Features in V. 4.21 Allows MSPs to Seamlessly Manage Projects, Talent and Other Resources, Providing a Holistic View of Their Business
HarmonyPSA Combines Bulletproof Project/Resource Management Capabilities And Service Desk Within Newest Platform
New Features in V. 4.21 Allows MSPs to Seamlessly Manage Projects, Talent and Other Resources, Providing a Holistic View of Their Business