Topic: Industry Events - Page 51
2016 ASCII IT SMB Success Summit Hits Southern California
Channel membership organization The ASCII Group brought its 2016 IT SMB Success Summits to Orange County, Calif. last week.
2016 Channel Partners Conference Kicks Off in Las Vegas
More than 5,000 attendees and 200 exhibitors gather to discuss telecommunications, security, and IT services.
ITEX 2016 Provides Attendees with ‘Oceans of Opportunity’ for Success in the Channel
At the three-day event, attendees learned how to advance and expand their business in the ever-changing office document technology and services industry.
ChannelPro SMB Forum: 2016 Channel Fitness Tour Kicked Off in Dallas
IT professionals attending the full-day, live event got advice for “pumping up” their sales, marketing, and operations.
D&H Educates VARs on the Capabilities of Next Generation Computing
The distributor offers training and specialized vendor-based support to help VARs capitalize on next gen computing.
2016 ASCII IT SMB Success Summits Now Underway
This year’s events supplement keynotes on market opportunities with presentations from solution provider peers on career turning points and business challenges.
D&H Adds New K-12 Resources, Webcasts to Build Business for Education VARs
The distributor introduces a new education web page, training, marketing materials, new vendor offerings, and more to help increase sales for VARs selling into K-12.
SYNNEX to Host 2016 Public Sector Training Roadshows
The training events will cover topics on how to sell into federal, state and local government, K-12 and higher education, as well as public safety and healthcare.
SMB Nation Gears Up for 2016 Office 365 and Windows 10 Roadshow
The one-day educational workshops offer a deep-dive into Office 365 and Windows 10.
What’s Up This Week
Our weekly look at what will be making headlines this week in the SMB channel.