Archive for Samuel Greengard - Page 3
Ambient IoT Has Arrived
For channel pros, ambient IoT represents an opportunity to help clients improve efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize supply chains.
Top Areas for MSP Profits and Growth in 2023 According to Channel Pros
Economic headwinds and an increasingly complex marketplace are not deterring channel pros from focusing on strategic business growth.
Secrets to Managing Cloud Costs to Boost Customer Satisfaction and Your Profit Margin
With the right strategy, tools, and information, channel pros can help SMBs optimize cloud usage and minimize expenses.
Getting Smart About MDUs
Channel pros can create value for condo and apartment residents, along with property managers of those multi-dwelling units, with smart IoT solutions.
Mastering the Private Cloud
Experts still see a robust future ahead for hybrid clouds that combine public software- and infrastructure-as-a-service resources with private clouds.
The Where, How, and Why of Windows 365
Though still a young product, Windows 365 is the most important addition to Microsoft’s cloud portfolio in years. Here’s what you should know.
Security Metrics that Matter
Channel pros can help SMBs understand which security metrics are crucial to shaping a stronger security posture.
Understanding Zero Trust
Channel pros can play a valuable role helping customers sort through policies, procedures, and technologies en route to a comprehensive zero-trust strategy.
Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs Disappoint (and How to Fix Them)
A successful DEI initiative requires a framework to measure and support efforts that go beyond hiring to focus on inclusion and equity as well.
Securing Active Directory
Channel pros can help customers better protect Active Directory, a treasure trove of user identity information.