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Archive for Rich Freeman - Page 11

Sophos Integrates MDR Service with Third-Party Security Solutions

October 18, 2022 |

The new functionality lets Sophos analysts, partners, and customers exchange data and instructions with endpoint, firewall, email, and other security systems from members of the vendor’s Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem in addition to its own products.

ChannelPro Weekly Podcast: Episode #243 – Perennial 39

October 14, 2022 |

Wow, channel pros, you don’t look a day over 39! Just like last year. And the year before that, come to think of it.

Auvik Buys Saaslio and Boardgent

October 12, 2022 |

The dual transactions are designed to extend the reach of Auvik’s flagship network management solution beyond the traditional firewall into what the company calls “the last mile” of the network: SaaS applications and endpoints.

Beachhead Solutions Adds Windows Security to Remote Device Protection Solution

October 12, 2022 |

The new functionality turns what was previously a tool for locking down lost or stolen devices and responding to credential theft into a system for protecting customers from ransomware as well.

HP Rolls Managed Services for Hybrid Workforces into DaaS Offering

October 11, 2022 |

Sold and delivered exclusively by HP itself at present, rather than partners, HP DaaS+ Hybrid combines direct delivery of PCs to homes and offices with ongoing remote performance management and security configuration.

5 Keys to Employee Retention from N-able

October 7, 2022 |

Keeping the people you have is critical at a time when hiring new people is so hard. Here’s what works at N-able, according to Chief People Officer Kathleen Pai (pictured).

ChannelPro Weekly Podcast: Episode #242 – RTFM

October 7, 2022 |

Don’t know what this episode title refers to? Look it up in the FM. And for your listening pleasure while you do so, tune in to this week’s show, in which Matt, Rich, and guest host Lori Hardtke, of ByteWize, discuss all the news from N-able’s Empower partner conference, Kaseya buying ConnectBooster, and ChannelPro’s All-Star award list for 2022.

N-able Investing in Partner Success

October 6, 2022 |

New and existing efforts discussed by Chief Customer Officer Kevin Bury (pictured) at the vendor’s Empower event are designed to ensure partners have successful relationships with N-able, success with N-able products, and successful businesses.

Augmentt Ships Premium Cloud Security Solution

October 6, 2022 |

The new edition of the cloud management vendor’s security solution for Microsoft 365 adds advanced policy setting, configuration, permissions, threat alerting, and remediation features.

N-able Execs to MSPs: Manage and Secure Everything

October 5, 2022 |

And they do mean everything. John Pagliuca and Mike Cullen (pictured left and right, respectively) are two of many at at N-able who believe that managing the cloud and managing hardware aren’t either/or propositions for MSPs.

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