Wombat Security (Wombat), a division of†Proofpoint†and the leading provider of†security awareness and training, has released a series of three Insider Threat interactive training modules that will allow organizations to educate employees on the potential for employees to inflict damage—either intentionally or unintentionally—through data theft, response to phishing or other activity. The series of mini modules consist of an†Insider Threat Overview, a†Malicious Insider Threat†course and an†Unintentional Insider Threat†course that present real-world scenarios to end users and allows them to explore the consequences of their choices in a no-risk environment.††
“Insider threats are among the most difficult to detect for a trusting, unassuming end user. Cybercriminals are relying less on automated attacks and instead using tactics like social engineering to exploit these people inside your company,” said†Amy Baker, Vice President of Marketing at Wombat. “At the same time, many current or former employees may have access to a treasure trove of sensitive or valuable information and could misuse that access for personal or professional gain. To make sure organizations are protected against attacks from the inside-out, they need to turn their attention to preparing employees to avoid unintentionally putting their information at risk.”
The Insider Threat Interactive Training Modules will introduce a new capability to Wombat training called “branching,” where the interactive content changes based on input from end users as they are presented with real-world cybersecurity scenarios. Users are asked to make a decision, then prompted to explore the consequence of their choice in a no-risk environment.
In addition to identifying potential insider threats, including behaviors that can indicate threatening or malicious intent, the module series also contains material on spotting and circumventing unintentional insider threats. Users are able to learn through real-world examples of how employees can unknowingly inflict damage in everyday scenarios and present ways to mitigate future threats with healthy computer habits.