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April 28, 2011 |

ConnectWise Releases Update with New Features

ConnectWise 2011.2 includes inventory and SLA management features, as well as new integration with third-party products.

ConnectWise, business management partner for IT service providers, has launched the ConnectWise 2011.2 release. The update includes additional features for inventory and SLA management, new usability when integrating third-party products into ConnectWise, among other advances.

Highlights of the new release include:

  • Update for service and dispatch portals – The addition of fields for service subtype and item to be service allows for more accurate descriptions of client jobs.
  • Support for Windows Internet Explorer 9 – There are also additional mobile features for iPhone and Android users.
  • New syncing capabilities – Alerts and service tickets created in the Kaseya service center will automatically sync with Connectwise, as well as Zenith Infotech RMM (requires ConnectWise MSP add-on).
  • More precise SLA tracking – SLA times are calculated from the start time of the service ticket and continue if a closed ticket is reopened. ConnectWise now provides notification for partners that have SLA-related workflow rules in place. The notifications state the percentage of time left until an SLA target is missed.
  • Inventory management upgrades – Additions include the ability to tag and reserve inventory items to fulfill a specific order, and updating the system’s stock on hand. A new dashboard displays all products and their various statuses. Partial quantities can also be canceled in one step.

For a full list of updates and features, check out the ConnectWise page here.

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