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News & Articles

March 29, 2012 |

ConnectWise Updates ConnectWise 2012 in Series of Enhancements

ConnectWise 2012.1, the first in a series of four updates planned for this calendar year, includes a wide variety of new features and partner-requested enhancements.

ConnectWise, a professional services automation provider, is now offering new features for its service management software. ConnectWise 2012.1, the first in a series of four updates planned for this calendar year, includes a wide variety of new features and partner-requested enhancements.

New features include:

  • Financial dashboard enhancements to provide better information on rates and costs, including a list of projects and profitability
  • New integration between invoicing and accounting
  • Web client additions allowing the access of more screens
  • Easier email ticketing for easier service tickets
  • Service board enhancements including SLA information at a glance
  • LDAP integration to sync user info, maintain accurate records, and enforce password policies

The new ConnectWise 2012.1 is now available to all current partners, including on-premises or cloud/SaaS versions of Connectwise.

For more information, visit

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