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News & Articles

August 20, 2012 |

ConnectWise Partners with Reflexion to Offer New Services for IT Pros

Security and compliance solutions are now part of the companies’ ongoing partnership.

ConnectWise, developer of service management software for IT professionals, is partnering with Reflexion Networks, a provider of hosted email services, to offer additional services in email security, archiving, encryption, e-discovery, and compliance to IT solution provider clients.

ConnectWise partners will be able to license Reflexion’s products on a monthly basis in an agreement that reduces the number of vendors they work with, while also allowing higher margins when reselling products. The partnership includes cloud-based security and compliance solutions, which are being made available to the ConnectWise community via the companies’ expanded partnership.

Reflexion’s hosted services for ConnectWise partners already include Reflexion Total Control for email security, RADAR for email archiving, and email encryption for compliance with state and federal privacy and data protection regulations. Reflexion’s reporting tool was integrated into the ConnectWise PSA, with spam reporting for each customer automatically appearing in the ConnectWise Management Summary. The integration unites billing and customer agreements in both platforms.

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