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ChannelPro Event Sponsor Award Logos

Congratulations! Find your award logo below and right-click the corresponding link to download the logo image.

How to use these: Right click and save the image to your computer. Each logo is optimized for display on the web in PNG format. Vector formats are not available.

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ChannelPro LIVE Award Logo Badges

Best in Show

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Best Cloud Solution

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Best Hardware Solution

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Most Exciting Solution

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Best New Solution

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Best Software Solution

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Best On-Stage Presentation

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Best Distributor

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Best Product or Platform

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Best Add-On Product

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Best Breakout Session

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Best Revenue Booster

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Best Security Solution

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Best Expo Hall Presentation

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Editor’s Choice Award

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Winner: ROI Lightning Round

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Winner: ChannelPro Community Award

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ChannelPro Deep Dive Online Showcase Logo Badges

Best in Show

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Best Partner Community

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Best Revenue Booster

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Most Innovative Solution

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ChannelPro Product Round-Up Logo Badges

Best in Show

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Best Presentation

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Editor’s Choice

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