According to NetEx, the added support will expand its market share in optimizing data movement for virtualized infrastructures to users of the Microsoft platform.
The next release of Hyper IP is due out Q1 of 2010. It will support Microsoft management products, leveraging VMware virtualization, as HyperIP optimizes long-distance data movement for more than a dozen VM management applications.
NetEx claims it was “the first company to deliver a software-only WAN acceleration solution to enable the live migration of VMware data across WAN distances.” It does this, the software maker says, using HyperIP to accelerate the movement of VMotion and Storage VMotion images to remote sites.
“According to test results from DeepStorage Labs, HyperIP can accelerate VMotion migration by 1000 percent compared to native VMware speeds,” states NetEx in a press release to EH Publishing. In addition, HyperIP also supports vCenter Site Recovery Manager and vCenter Converter to optimize the migration of physical-to-virtual images.
NetEx reports it is planning to provide similar HyperIP capabilities for the Hyper-V environment. The first Hyper-V-capable version of HyperIP will support Microsoft’s Live Migration feature, enabling the movement of operating virtual machines from one Hyper-V physical host to another without any disruption of service or perceived downtime.
The addition of HyperIP enables the potential use of Hyper-V and Live Migration beyond the data center to open up long-distance movement of live virtual machines to remote sites via WAN connections without the typical distance limitations and latency problems encountered with WAN-based data movement.
Robert MacIntyre, NetEx vice president of business development and marketing, says having a presence in both the Hyper-V and VMware camps gives his company a better position for “the future of server virtualization.” This position comes, MacIntyre says, from “an upcoming technology refresh for aging server infrastructures with virtualization as a default IT strategy for deployment, virtualization as a standard technology for cloud computing, and the evolution of IT strategies to more effectively manage virtualization deployments and virtualized infrastructures.”